# WP-Polls Contributors: GamerZ Donate link: https://lesterchan.net/site/donation/ Tags: poll, polls, polling, vote, booth, democracy, ajax, survey, post, widget Requires at least: 4.9.6 Tested up to: 6.3 Stable tag: 2.77.2 Adds an AJAX poll system to your WordPress blog. You can also easily add a poll into your WordPress's blog post/page. ## Description WP-Polls is extremely customizable via templates and css styles and there are tons of options for you to choose to ensure that WP-Polls runs the way you wanted. It now supports multiple selection of answers. ### Development [https://github.com/lesterchan/wp-polls](https://github.com/lesterchan/wp-polls "https://github.com/lesterchan/wp-polls") ### Credits * Plugin icon by [Freepik](http://www.freepik.com) from [Flaticon](http://www.flaticon.com) ### Donations I spent most of my free time creating, updating, maintaining and supporting these plugins, if you really love my plugins and could spare me a couple of bucks, I will really appreciate it. If not feel free to use it without any obligations. ## Changelog ### Version 2.77.2 * FIXED: Read from default REMOTE_ADDR unless specified in options ### Version 2.77.1 * FIXED: Support mutex lock for multi-site. Props @yrkmann. ### Version 2.77.0 * NEW: Use mutex lock to prevent race condition. ### Version 2.76.0 * NEW: Supports specifying which header to read the user's IP from. Props Marc Montpas. ### Version 2.75.6 * NEW: New filter for template variables: wp_polls_template_votebody_variables, wp_polls_template_votefooter, wp_polls_template_resultheader_variables, wp_polls_template_resultbody_variables, wp_polls_template_resultfooter_variables. Props @Liblastic. * NEW: composer.json * FIXED: Missing space for check_voted_username MySQL query ### Version 2.75.5 * NEW: New filter for templates: wp_polls_template_resultheader_markup, wp_polls_template_resultbody_markup, wp_polls_template_resultbody2_markup, wp_polls_template_resultfooter_markup, wp_polls_template_resultfooter2_markup. Props @Jaska. ### Version 2.75.4 * FIXED: Unable to edit poll because of class-wp-block-parser.php. ### Version 2.75.3 * FIXED: Broken filter for templates * FIXED: Divison by 0 by totalvoters * FIXED: Add whitelist to sortby poll answers ### Versiob 2.75.2 * FIXED: Missing str_replace for wp_polls_template filter ### Version 2.75.1 * FIXED: Use array() instead of [] as a few users are still on < PHP 5.4. Props @bearlydoug. * FIXED: pollq_expiry is now 0 instead of blank string. Props @hpiirainen. ### Version 2.75 * FIXED: Standardize all filters to begin with `wp_polls` rather than `poll` * NEW: Added `wp_polls_ipaddress` and `wp_polls_hostname` to allow user to overwrite it. ### Version 2.74.1 * FIXED: Don't use PHP 5.4 Short array syntax. * FIXED: Division by zero * FIXED: Wrong database column type for pollq_expiry ### Version 2.74 * NEW: Hashed IP and anonymize Hostname to make it GDPR compliance * NEW: If Do Not Log is set in Poll Options, do not log to DB * NEW: Support %POLL_MULTIPLE_ANSWER_PERCENTAGE%. This is total votes divided by total voters. ### Version 2.73.8 * FIXED: Bug fixes and stricter type checking ### Version 2.73.7 * FIXED: Unable to save input HTML tags for footer templates ### Version 2.73.6 * FIXED: Unable to vote for multiple answers * FIXED: input HTML tags being removed when saving templates ### Version 2.73.5 * FIXED: Parsed error in SERVER variable. ### Version 2.73.4 * FIXED: sanitize_key on top of intval. ### Version 2.73.3 * NEW: Added sort by votes casted to poll answers. * NEW: For polls with mutiple answers, we divided by total votes instead of total voters. Props @ljxprime. * FIXED: Do not display poll option is not respected when poll is closed. * FIXED: pollip_qid, pollip_aid, pollip_timestamp are now int(10) in pollsip table. * FIXED: pollq_expiry is now int(10) in pollsq table. ### Version 2.73.2 * NEW: Bump WordPress 4.7 * FIXED: Change cron to hourly instead of twice daily. ### Version 2.73.1 * FIXED: Allow local IP * FIXED: XSS on Poll bar option. Props [Netsparker Web Application Security Scanner](https://www.netsparker.com/) * FIXED: Stricter Poll pptions check ### Version 2.73 * NEW: Display Poll Questions at the top of the Poll Logs table * FIXED: Remove slashes ### Version 2.72 * NEW: Use translate.wordpress.org to translate the plugin * FIXED: SQL Injection fixes. Props [Jay Dansand](https://github.com/jaydansand) * FIXED: Use $wpdb->insert(), $wpdb->update() and $wpdb->delete() as much as possible * FIXED Remove poll_archive_show option from UI ### Version 2.71 * FIXED: Use wp_kses_post() to get filter always bad tags ### Version 2.70 * NEW: Add wp_polls_vote_poll_success action hook * NEW: Add wp_polls_add_poll, wp_polls_update_poll, wp_polls_delete_poll action hooks * FIXED: PHP Notices * FIXED: Removed not needed wp_print_scripts * FIXED: Use esc_attr() and esc_textarea() instead of htmlspecialchars(). Props [Govind Singh](https://in.linkedin.com/pub/govind-singh/21/1a9/bab) ## Screenshots 1. Admin - All Poll 2. Admin - Manage Polls 3. Admin - Poll Options 4. Admin - Poll Templates 5. Admin - Poll Widget 6. Admin - Uninstall Poll 7. Poll - Single Poll Answer 8. Poll - Mutiple Poll Answers 9. Poll - Results 10. Poll - Archive ## Frequently Asked Questions ### General Usage (Without Widget) ~~~